What you need exactly:
To begin with, your going to need a prep course. For example, FloridaCNAonline.com. No, a prep course is not required, but jumping into something that requires a lot of studying and practice does not seem like a smart choice. Prep courses range in price starting from $49.99, all the way up to $1000+. I recommend going with my favorite prep course, FloridaCNAonline.com. They only charge $49.99 and offer an amazing course. If you must go with a course locally expect to pay around $350. So now that you have your prep course you ask "Whats next?" Now you will need to take your state exam. On average, for the typical English speaking Floridian, the test will set you back about $160. After passing your state test you will officailly be a CNA in the State of Florida.
Lets Add things Up!
Now lets add everything up. For comparison, I'm going to show you three examples of your total cost, depending on what course you choose.
Here is my first example, going with a course like FloridaCNAonline.com:
Course Cost-$49.99
State Exam Cost-$160
Total Cost to get your Florida CNA license-$210
Here is my second example, going with a local course that is reasonably priced:
Course Cost-$350
State Exam Cost-$160
Total Cost to get your Florida CNA license-$510
Finally my third example, going with a local course that is outrageously over priced and probably offered at a community college of some sort:
Course Cost-$1000+
State Exam Cost-Free, because I feel bad for anyone who would take this option.
Total Cost-Priceless because you probably don't have a brain.
Article links:
CNA Online Course- FloridaCNAonline.com
Here is my first example, going with a course like FloridaCNAonline.com:
Course Cost-$49.99
State Exam Cost-$160
Total Cost to get your Florida CNA license-$210
State Exam Cost-$160
Total Cost to get your Florida CNA license-$510
Course Cost-$1000+
State Exam Cost-Free, because I feel bad for anyone who would take this option.
Total Cost-Priceless because you probably don't have a brain.
I'll let you decide which option seems like the smarter choice. I hope this answers any questions you may have had about the cost of obtaining a Florida CNA license. If you don't feel satisfied with my explanation on the cost of getting a FL CNA license, please leave me a comment. If you liked the article please leave me a comment as well. If you feel Florida is too expensive and ripping you off, DON'T move to California, because their course is way over priced and lasts about a year.
Article links:
CNA Online Course- FloridaCNAonline.com